
Birthday Happies

by Megan M. on January 31, 2007 (Blog) |

So, I still haven’t posted about the stomach flu. (Who really wants to post about stomach flu?) And I haven’t posted about finding this apartment, or our last-minute impromptu moving escapades… while I had the stomach flu! I haven’t posted about the slow process of organizing a house that is ours or how wonderful it is to have my very own space 100% of the time. And furthermore, I’ve neglected to post about my birthday weekend. Isn’t it awful??

The day we moved, Angel walked in the door and set down a big brown cloth storage carrier on the table in front of me. “Happy Birthday,” she said. I almost cried. Inside were big dishes and little dishes and tall glasses and cooking skillets and silverware pot holders and large plastic cooking utensils. Angel has the honor of having celebrated my birthday before anyone else even realized it was on its way. I love me my Angel.

Skip to Friday the next week, the 26th, the day I turned 26, almost a year after January 27, the day the Austin vortex first stretched its clever tendrils in our direction. I don’t even remember Friday because it was full of relaxing and sleeping and thinking and succeeding in evading anything of traditional importance. I do recall that it was mixed, though it doesn’t matter. At some point on Friday, my mom and dad each called to give me birthday wishes and be sweet to me. I got a call from my Grandma too, which was really nice. Saturday I relaxed again while Marty made me a cake—a green cake shaped like a tentacle monster Cthulhu! It was so brilliant! And sometime that evening Richard arrived with supplies—he had promised food and plasticware, but had far outstripped those promises by bringing two bottles of wine (one for drinking, he said, and one not for drinking!) and also beer! We ate his delicious Indian cooking and sat on the floor and conversed happily! Later Vixen and Sean arrived, bringing more wonderful alcohol, and I was finally permitted to open the wrapped present Vixen had left for me days ago, then forbidden me to touch—Waking by Matthew Sanford, which looks really really great. And Sean gave me a cylinder wrapped in purple with whee! fun string! tied around the ends, and I unwrapped it and inside was a container, cylindrical, with Egyptian prints all over the outside, and inside was a gift certificate to Mondo Tees, which is the shirt store on the first floor of the Alamo Drafthouse downtown! Squeal So Friday when we all go to see Spike & Mike’s, I will get a new t-shirt! GLEE! Getting presents is so way nifty I can’t even TELL you.

So the four of us sat down to chat and play games and eat, and later on April came with a new boy whose name was Tim, who was very very nice, and we all continued to play games and have a good time, and it was wonderful. And later on people began to leave, bit by bit, and Marty and I went to bed, and it was very good.

Then on Sunday Savanni came, and Heather and Shanta and April and Tim were there, and Angel and Pinto and Green arrived later, and it was all delicious and wonderful fun! We played more games (as Vixen had very sweetly left her board games with us to use) and ate vegetarian Indian from Swad, and were very happy!

Then in the first half of this week, my Aunt Cheryl sent me an Amazon gift certificate—definitely one of the best presents in the whole universe—and James listened to my sad sushi-less woes before paypaling me 30 bucks for the express purpose of stuffing myself with raw fish Saturday! I am going to die of happy!

So… that’s my birthday! And more than that, I got birthday wishes from lots of people thinking about me and commenting in my blog, which makes me feel warm and fuzzy. Do ya’ll know how much I love you?

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