Whew. Things I didn’t think I’d be spending my precious time doing…
So, there’s a Windows app that’s built to archive livejournal entries and comments. Most of the other things I could find would export entries… but comments support was spotty. And my comments are important to me. So I am actually sitting here with the staggering Toshiba James gave me trying to install—not just ljArchive—but the .NET framework it requires. Pant. Die.
I hope it works, because if it does, it will have been worth it. But I can’t believe I’m sitting here actually trying to accomplish something with this old laptop. It’s great for browser testing but …
Needless to say, James, I’m still grateful. If this works, I will be even more grateful!
It makes me wonder if someday, far in the future, I might want to pick up a new Windows machine. I hardly want to install that monster on my powerbook. But if I can find a piece of hardware that will run it for a couple hundred dollars, it might be worth it. And a newer machine would be less frustrating to actually do things with, as opposed to just testing site designs. It’s a thought.
I’ve had a lot of writing flying around in my head the last few days. I know. I haven’t actually written any of it yet.
Edit: Holy shit. It frickin’ worked. I’m pretty sure Vixen pointed me to ljArchive… dude… you ROCK. Problem solved!
Tagged as: Blog, meganculture