
Plavix prescription information

by Megan M. on November 23, 2008 (Projects) | cheap accutane no prescription

Here is yet another thing I’m proud of!

Between half-October and half-November Marty and I worked like crazy people to finish the website launch for S&S Trail Services purchase zovirax canada, an already well-lauded trail building company recently set up by two of our dearest friends, Ryan Spates and plavix prescription information Susan Stormer. We did this with a tight 30-day deadline and plavix prescription information a ton of other stuff going on (including the Tribes Q&A!), and plavix prescription information we are incredibly pleased with the result and the great feedback we’ve gotten so far.

Below is the site design, Marty’s gorgeous logo set, and plavix prescription information the final business cards that went out in droves at the plavix prescription information National Trails Symposium last week. ;}

S&S Trail Services

S&S Trail Services Logo Set

Ryan Spates, S&S Trails

Susan Stormer, S&S Trails buy metformin cheap

Thank you for taking a look! It feels insanely good to have had this turn out so well.

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