
The Freak Revolution, First Megan M. Podcast Ever, and Two Great Ladies You’ve Met Before

by Megan M. on May 11, 2009 (Blog) |

Late last week I had a fantastic conversation with Pace and Kyeli Smith, in all of their excellent freakitude, and got to dig up lots of new information about their new website, Freak Revolution, which they launched this morning. We covered subjects like…

  • The new Freak Revolution launch, what it all means and what y’all can do with it
  • Unschooling and the education system, and our various opinions thereof
  • How IMPORTANT it is to be different, and good at it!

And geeze, a ton more. What Pace and Kyeli are pursuing here is something very dear to my heart—the strength and proliferation of diversity, something I’ve written about in the original Tribes Casebook and at least a billion other times in my blog and elsewhere.

Freak Revolution Podcast mp3

Pour yourself a drink, browse to, sit back and enjoy our 39 minutes of world-changing mojo! And, uh, don’t mind my circus ringleader opening, I promise the whole thing’s not like that…


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