

Weekend Itinerary

Filed under: — worldmegan @ 11:57 pm

All right, gentlemen and ladies, here’s the plan for this weekend, in case ya’ll are interested:


Feb. 10

12pm EST: Leaving office for Akron Canton airport.

2:30pm EST: Arrival at Akron Canton airport.

(Two hour wait!)

4:28pm EST: Delta 4562 leaves Akron Canton airport.

6:18pm EST: Delta 4562 arrives at Atlanta Hartsfield Int’l.

(Commence mad dashing to connecting flight…)

7:22pm EST: Delta 1126 leaves Atlanta Hartsfield Int’l.

9:17pm PST: Delta 1126 arrives at LAX.

Feb. 13

10:55pm PST: Delta 548 leaves LAX.

Feb. 14

5:54am EST: Delta 548 arrives at Cincinnati airport.

(Two hour wait… wherein it might be an immensely bad idea for me to do any sleeping, lest I miss my flight home… eek!)

8:00am EST: Delta 4922 leaves Cincinnati airport.

8:59am EST: Delta 4922 arrives at Akron Canton airport.

11am EST: Arriving home from Akron Canton airport, most likely catching up on all my missed sleep, just in time for Valentine’s Day.

I’m sad to say I won’t have time for anything other than what is planned in LA this week – yes, that’s why I didn’t say anything earlier. :} But now you all know where I will be, and you’re welcome to give me a call while I’m waiting around airports. I don’t imagine I’m going to sleep much Sunday night, so feel free to ring my cell and bother me then (if you’re awake)!

Happy ABC World News

Filed under: — worldmegan @ 7:02 pm

Something particularly cool happened just now. I took a break from packing to catch up my newsfeeds, and happened upon Dooce’s latest post about a camera crew from ABC World News being on the way, and that the segment would be aired tonight. So naturally I wandered downstairs at that very moment to make sure ABC World News would be recorded, whenever it happened to be on – since no one had mentioned a time and I generally get my network news from the Daily Show.

I turned on the TV and found ABC World News. It was almost over. There were ten minutes left in the show. I hit record, just in case I hadn’t yet missed the segment.

I kid you not, thirty seconds from the moment I sat down, they started talking about folks who lose their jobs because of their websites, and the almighty Dooce herself was on the screen. And I’m not a fangirl, but her little Leta is perhaps even more cute in the moving pictures than she is on the website. It was a pleasant jolt of serendipity. I was utterly delighted.

It seems like the recording I made was botched somehow, also, and that makes it even more interesting that I managed to turn the TV just as the segment was about to air. I am quite amused by the entire happenstance.

Afternote: I went to add some trackbacks to this post, and discovered that was completely unreachable. The world is totally whammying Heather’s web host. Woot!

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