


Filed under: — worldmegan @ 10:35 pm

While in LA, I discovered that I am not a Rooster, by the Chinese year of my birth – that I am, in fact, a Monkey, because I was born in January, before the Chinese New Year.

I feel that I ought to be accumulating monkey paraphernalia to make up for this long-standing mistake. Any recommendations?


  1. Go and buy Cabin Boy. Sample David Letterman’s immortal line “Do you want to buy a monkey?”. Repeat and incorporate into your own hip-hop soundtrack.

    The next time I’m in the States, I’ll drop a special munkay off ;)

    Comment by badly dubbed boy — 2/25/2005 @ 5:25 am

  2. You must be the only other person in the universe who’s seen that movie. My god. :-D

    (Er, also… I was mistakenly remembering the title as ‘Cabin Fever’ for awhile, and that was causing confusion. So I probably shouldn’t talk.. )

    Comment by worldmegan — 2/25/2005 @ 9:00 am

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