

by Megan M. on December 30, 2007 (Projects) |

Creative Whack Pack!One of my favorite gifts this year was the Creative Whack Pack, a card set by Roger von Oech. (I told Marty I wanted it, ordered it “from him”, and he wrapped it. But it still feels entirely like a gift, and every time I look at it on my desk I experience a mad sort of glee that I “got” it for Christmas!)

The Creative Whack Pack is a true relic of my childhood. It was always floating around in my parents’ offices when I was little. Em and I would stay there after school until one or both parents were finished with appointments for the day. Amidst all the things we had to occupy ourselves, the Whack Pack was one of the things that fascinated me. I didn’t understand it or really know what it was, but it had pretty pictures and I felt like it had to be something good, something interesting, something I would like… if I had any idea exactly what superior magic it was supposed to work.

And now, more than a decade and a half later, I know exactly what magic it works—and I know exactly how to use it.

Isn’t that just the way of relics, huh?



1 Roger von Oech 12.30.07 at 12:17 pm

I, too, love the Creative Whack Pack. Best wishes!

2 Megan M. 12.30.07 at 12:23 pm

Man, this is why blogging is so awesome. ;}

3 Kit O'Connell 01.13.08 at 3:42 pm

When I was a kid, my mom and I bought the Whack Pack when we found it at Barnes & Noble. She used to keep it in her office, too. I wonder if she still has it?

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