
From the monthly archives:

December 2005


by Megan M. on December 25, 2005 (Blog) |

I had a far nicer Christmas than I had any right to expect. You folks just make me all warm and gurgly, I’ve got to tell you. Have a beautiful evening. :}

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Happy Christmas-y To All!

by Megan M. on December 24, 2005 (Blog) |

There is nothing more satisfying in the whole world than taking far too many obnoxious christmas photos and putting them all in one garish red and green jpeg. So, in the tradition of obnoxious christmas cards everywhere, I’m going to tell you all that I love you. Because I do. So please be safe and [...]

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Common Sense, Plus Some

by Megan M. on December 23, 2005 · View Comments (Blog) |

I get forwarded messages occasionally, though infrequently. I admit it, I discourage them. Even more infrequently, I get messages that seem worth the forwarding, and this is one of them. I am not sure how accurate this information is, but it all seems to make sense. If you have any thoughts, comment or drop me [...]

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Notice for Public Awareness

by Megan M. on December 23, 2005 (Blog) |

I may have just had a coke, a gingerbread man, and two B-100s. Possibly. In case you’re interested.

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On Hold

by Megan M. on December 19, 2005 (Blog) |

I’m on the phone with the National Information Center for Passports. I should have called earlier, I suppose, but I don’t think I’m going to run into any problems because of it. The hold time says 2 to 3 minutes, and that’s reasonable. The elevator music, that’s what this post is about. I don’t know [...]

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The Anti-Craving

by Megan M. on December 15, 2005 · View Comments (Blog) |

I just ate a hard boiled egg sandwich. On raisin bread. With mayonnaise. Would someone please take me grocery shopping?

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Saturday Fruit

by Megan M. on December 10, 2005 (Blog) |

It’s been an incredibly interesting morning. I got through a ton of email, plenty of work, watched Sky High with Marty, and watched a peculiar (albeit entertaining) Masters of Horror ep about politified zombies. I think Boing Boing covered it here. I ate a piece of toast with jelly (plus vitamin C and superduperdophilus… ah… [...]

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