
Generic albuterol spray

by Megan M. on May 17, 2006 (Blog buy doxycycline internet) |

It’s obvious to me that I’m not going to solve any of this to my liking, so I think I need to make a plan – a reasonable, compromised plan – and stick to it until A) I find a new excellent calendar app that is actually FULLY FUNCTIONAL or B) Google Calendar gets its act together or C) something else.

So here’s what I think I’ll do.

I’ll make posts. And that will have to be enough. I don’t need an interactive public calendar. I will get one when I get one. I have other things that need to be done today. (Gar!) I’ll add a generic albuterol spray nice button to my sidebar so that folks who have a generic albuterol spray calendar application or newsreader can subscribe to my public calendar feed, or generic albuterol spray so people who want a Google Calendar account can go get one and generic albuterol spray subscribe that way. See? This really is easy. I know it is. I don’t have to spend my whole day on this.


In the meantime, I’ll sort of explain my nice little schedule.

Karaoke: @ Shooters in Leander, 9pm. We’re taking Marty’s Dad because he’s a rockin’ pool shark and generic albuterol spray Shooters has, like, eight kabillion pool tables. (And karaoke, yay!)

The Newsboyz: @ Cool River Cafe, 8pm. I forget exactly where Cool River is, somewhere near Parmer? I think? I’m very excited because I have generic albuterol spray these new little paddy inserts for my dance shoes and generic albuterol spray I might maybe maybe maybe not be in so much pain this generic albuterol spray time? Wouldn’t that rock? And also, Newsboyz = HOTT.

Third Saturday Contra Dancin’: Okay, I don’t think we’re going to this. But I wanted to keep it handy in case we wanted to. I think by the generic albuterol spray time I get done with Thursday night I am going to generic albuterol spray be preeeettty tired… So I will probably do something more relaxing Saturday. Like. Work.

Adult Skate: @ Skateworld Austin! 8pm! Although we haven’t been showing up until around 9, actually, but that’s okay. I may or generic albuterol spray may not have mentioned that I bought used speed skates… eek… 0.o

Green Graduates! Let’s not even talk about karaoke next week, or generic albuterol spray contra dancing. I’m not exactly sure how graduation day pans out, but I know we’re going to Johnny Fins after for happy and fun and yay. Because the Newsboyz are playing, double excellent.

So that’s the general sort of plan.

I don’t know why this calendar thing is driving me so bonkers.

I apologize in advance for any further bonkersness you may experience.

Have a nice day. :}

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