Today I read Seven Questions That Will Change Your Life, discovered via You know, this is a really good idea. I’m going to give it a try, and give ya’ll some insight into my week in the process. ;}
1. What will I try to improve on next week? Next week I’d like my schedule to be more clearly planned. Yes, I multitask like a fiend… but I still want to spend a certain amount of effort in each pursuit, planning enough time with work so that I can feel proud and accomplished, and enough time for myself so that I feel rested and relaxed. This is very important to me.
2. What was I most proud of this week? I was really proud of how incredibly much I got done when I infused myself with caffeine and set to finishing Giant Project A. I did amazing things that day. But alongside that, I don’t want to forget how brilliant I was yesterday—even though I didn’t do as much active work, I did a great deal of passive work inside my head and came up with a ton of exceedingly excellent ideas. I definitely want to give myself time in future to relax and think, instead of just constantly holding my nose to the active grindstone. This also is very important.
3. What was my biggest accomplishment this week? Definitely that caffeine day. Wow, did I do an incredible amount of work! I think I stayed “on” from around 9 that morning until about 11:30pm. Whew. I’m still astonished at myself.
4. What have I done to get closer to my life goals this week? Yesterday I started moon days—and instead of being upset at myself for not feeling up to action-type working, I told myself that it was okay to feel this way, told myself good and happy and Megan-praising things. And consequently, I had a day that was even better than if I had been working actively. The day of ideas I had was worth so much more than an equivalent day of actions, it was amazing! I feel like I was rewarded for this step in the right direction. I want to relax and praise myself more often!
5. What was hard for me this week, and why? There were a few days where I had a hard time keeping up; I have a feeling those were right before the brilliance started. Perhaps I might have keyed into that brilliance a little earlier—the times I wasn’t getting things done actively I might have accomplished more in my head!
6. What was my biggest waste of time this week? Making hummus. I don’t think I’m supposed to make hummus in this blender. I think I’m supposed to have a better blender, or maybe a food processor of some kind. It just takes forever…
7. What did I do this week that made me ashamed? I was really embarrassed talking to Marty about how emotionally pressed I felt listening to Jewel’s Pieces of You album growing up, the complex feelings it brought up in me, and maybe a little bit of shame that I had downplayed my association with it on the assumption that I’d get made fun of—how silly when I care about Marty and share so much with him. And then, do you know what I found out? He bought that album in high school. We both had it on cassette. He loved it. Isn’t that an absurd turn of events? And he never told me, ‘cause I never mentioned how moved I was by that collection of songs. Pbph. Yeah, this counts as shame.
As an entity, these seven answers are pretty interesting. The last two are also entertainingly off-topic, but for some reason they still make sense, and fit. God, I love hummus. I will probably struggle along with that blender for awhile yet…
Tagged as: Blog, worldhacking
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