
From the monthly archives:

October 2007

Texas Renaissance Festival

by Megan M. on October 31, 2007 (Blog) |

This past Saturday I spent the day at the Texas Renaissance Festival with Marty and Vixen. It was an intensely enjoyable day, and I took pictures. Here are a few of E Muzeki, whose music is as beautiful as its musicians: We also were privileged to watch the unbelievably skillful offerings of Shunyata Belly Dance, [...]

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Impromptu Cloud Nine Gushage

by Megan M. on October 30, 2007 · View Comments (Projects) |

5. Most staffing agencies will administer several tests which tend to be time consuming, annoying, and occasionally demeaning to find out if you are reliable. We would rather just ask: Are you reliable? Explain. Have I gushed to you publicly about how much I love this company? I haven’t? Man, you’re in for a treat. [...]


The Arts: Live and In Person

by Megan M. on October 30, 2007 · View Comments (Music) |

Attending the Texas Renaissance Festival over the weekend, I had an alarming realization about live performance. It’s awfully strange for me to be remembering this now, after so many years, but it makes sense; I’ve been studying and rehearsing more than actually performing since I moved to Austin, so live performance has gone slightly out [...]

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by Megan M. on October 29, 2007 (Blog) |

I’m afraid to have any caffeine. I have too many ideas already. My head might explode.

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Sexy Media Monday

by Megan M. on October 29, 2007 (Blog) |

As you might suspect, I have sex on the brain. (If you didn’t suspect it, I don’t know how else I might have warned you. Sorry!) Having just read that part, you may also suspect that most of the links in this post might be less than work-safe, unless you work somewhere extra awesome. (If [...]

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Information Dissemination, Eek!

by Megan M. on October 26, 2007 (Blog) |

Elsewhere Posting…* Where there’s smoke, there’s Marty… Chicken-singeing adventures in Austin. Oh my. Sunk Cost Paradox @ Virtual Magpie. Musings inspired by an interesting realtor encounter at Cloud Nine. Ha! Youngstown in November @ Virtual Magpie. Business trip!! Eek! Drive Space Dreams @ Virtual Magpie. The line between my computer and my self is so [...]

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Drive Space Dreams

by Megan M. on October 26, 2007 (Blog) |

As with all impending purchases of hardware, I’ve been obsessing non-stop about the Drobo in Virtual Magpie’s future. We’ve been doing our backups with external drives (SmartDisk CrossFire 250s, recommended by a friend who knows his stuff—these drives have proven incredibly reliable), but for the last few months I’ve been thinking of putting together a [...]

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