
From the monthly archives:

February 2008

The Thriving Artist Project

by Megan M. on February 19, 2008 · View Comments (Projects) |

I’ve said before that I wanted to help, and now we’re going to do it.Many months ago Marty and I came up with a cunning plan to help struggling artists into the digital universe. It’s incredibly important for a new artist to have a presence on the web. If it’s done right, the artist’s visibility [...]

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No Fear

by Megan M. on February 18, 2008 · View Comments (Blog) |

Guys.This fear thing does not serve us well.We might think that it protects us, keeps us from harm, furthers our best interests… but it doesn’t.Unless my fear is getting me out of the path of a rabid, rampaging animal intent on doing me physical damage, my fear is useless to me. It does not protect [...]

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Glorious 5:15 AM

by Megan M. on February 12, 2008 (Blog) |

I attempted to sleep in this morning and was unsuccessful.What does that tell you?

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