
From the monthly archives:

August 2008

Home Sweet Hyatt

by Megan M. on August 30, 2008 (Blog) |

I love staying at the Hyatt. Mostly this is because I associate it with Dragon*Con, but the hotel design is always so lush, and I’m uber-relaxed there. It feels like a good place to work and think. The Hyatt Regency in Dallas is just as good, smooth and comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. The unwashed masses [...]

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Dueling Pianos

by Megan M. on August 18, 2008 · View Comments (Blog) |

“The day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”~ Anais Nin “Today is my day to blossom, like a majestic chestburster erupting forth from the ribcage of an unsuspecting cosmonaut!”~ Marty Whitmore

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The Usual Error Project (Plans are afoot!)

by Megan M. on August 15, 2008 (Blog) |

You may or may not have noticed that I haven’t mentioned the Usual Error in a long time. There’s a reason for that. I’ve been helping out instead. ;}

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The Usual Error Project

by Megan M. on August 15, 2008 · View Comments (Projects) |

For those of you who don’t already know, the Usual Error Project is about communication. Communicating with your boyfriend, your boss, your best bud, or your dog. It’s a great resource for anyone who finds themselves in hairy personal situations or unclear, people-oriented professional situations, and it has a slew of great solutions for the [...]

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Syntopic Destiny and Book Design

by Megan M. on August 14, 2008 (Blog) |

Not long ago I ordered three tomes on book design, and two came immediately in the mail. I’ve been waiting (for more than a week at least) in the hopes that I might read all three together in an appropriately syntopic fashion, a la Adler (and Scheele). This morning I had just decided, well, to [...]

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Braid, or How I Attained Nirvana

by Megan M. on August 10, 2008 (Blog) |

I read Penny Arcade pretty regularly. This week they mentioned something called Braid, using phrases like “something that really matters,” and “even within its circumscription their minds are shattered and remade,” and “genuinely huge concepts that hum with stradavarian fullness.” Like, whoa. So we bought the game. It cost $25 to buy enough “Microsoft points” [...]

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Last Weekend’s PhotoReading Seminar

by Megan M. on August 10, 2008 · View Comments (Projects) |

I recently made a post in Pavlina’s Personal Development forums because some people were asking about the PhotoReading seminars that Learning Strategies offers, and it just so happened that I attended one last weekend. Of course, y’all knew that, but I mostly talked about my hypnagogic hordes of bugs. Oops. This particular seminar happened in [...]