
Attract Your Ideal Clients

by Megan M. on March 13, 2007 · View Comments (Blog) |

[X] 02:00PM How to Easily Attract Your IDEAL Clients (Ballroom F)

Today we’re going to talk about the Attraction Method! Carlon Haas is involved in direct response marketing combined with web 2.0 technology. Jen is a law of attraction coach; she works with small businesses and teaches them how to build relationships on the internet. Within the last year she’s built and sold an internet business, she says, which is something I’m very interested in. Steve is involved in something he calls the ripple effect—maybe they’ll tell us more about that.

Jen wants to cover universal attraction based marketing. I think my brain is fuzzy because of my sinuses, but I’m following as best I can—and recording too. What do you want to accomplish? How many clients do you want to attract? What’s the purpose of your marketing plan?

Carlon says you need to know what you want before you can have it. Paris Hilton, he says, is a marketing genius. This woman never promotes herself. She’s always dropping other names. She can’t help herself—the liquor she’s drinking, the clothes she’s wearing. The less she promotes herself, the more others are drawn to her. This is what’s happening today in marketing, by promoting others, similar services, similar points of view, you can reap the rewards of that. It’s like karma! By Digging other people’s stuff, you get more traffic. Jen says, the most popular blogs out there are often promoting other people’s products and services—they’re not necessarily just self promoting. In this way you build a community and other people want to start promoting you, because they like you.

Tarket: I don’t know what this thing is. Pinpointing one person. Volvo has one person, one profile they try to attract, a 32 year old mother of two—she takes her children to ballet and gymnastics and they built their car around this specific model. They built a tarket, they focused on one person. This person wants to pay you more than your fee, this person wants to do generous things and offer testimonials, your biggest fan is your tarket. Work just with this kind of person. The best client possible.

I can’t have spelled tarket right. I’ll have to check up on that later.

The shotgun approach doesn’t work, Steve is saying. It comes up ineffective, especially if you don’t understand who your target market is. Carlon gets blank stares when he asks about the target market—too many of us don’t know who we’re marketing to. But maybe… maybe we do know who we want to work with. I know who I want to work with! At least, I think I do. ;}

You need to know your target market so you can pinpoint their psychological hot-buttons. Listen to all these funny words!

You want a client who is a good fit for you; if this client isn’t, they’ll complain, they’ll want refunds, you won’t make them happy and they won’t make you happy. Carlon has his clients fill out a massive questionnaire because that 80% of your energy that goes to dealing with these people should be going to good customers who will be customers for life, who really appreciate the attention.

If you aim low you get low. If you aim high you get high. If you work with people who are always dragging you down, you’ll never have energy—work with the people who bring you up. When you put these boundaries in place, people want to come to you, want to be liked by you.

Once you identify who you want, Carlon says, you need to craft a message that hits your tarket’s psychological hot-buttons—they should be nodding their heads saying Yes, that’s me, that’s what I want. Carlon is a direct response copywriter; he writes advertisements. Direct response marketing includes a call to action. Ninety percent of the websites out there suck. Welcome to X Company. We are a solutions based company that offers solutions where our solutions are great solutions to those problems. Nobody gives a crap about how great your company is. They want to know WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME? How does what you do benefit me? Make me money? Make my life easier? How does it solve the problem I have. This is the message you want to craft. Direct response’s call to action calls them to action. It’s necessary to tell them what to do, so they can do it!

I just looked it up. It’s definitely tarket, it’s target market condensed and focused! That makes an insane amount of sense.

You don’t need to be all things to all people. You need to be everything to the people you WANT.

Always put emphasis on value, not price. Price-conscious people will line up (none of us wants that). We want value-conscious people lining up. This is important.

Take a look at…
~ (Jen Blackert)
~ (Carlon Haas)
~ (Steve Harper)

Further notes…
Met David just before this panel—he works with IBM and is so friendly and interesting! He has my card, and has promised to email. ;} And… I hate to admit it… but I left this panel halfway through because my sinuses were just so unbelievably uncomfortable that I had to go blow my nose and then… you guessed it… catch a bus home. I ended up walking three blocks in miserable rain, but I got home by five. This panel, however, was excellent – I’m going to do some research on all three panelists and hope for a podcast later, see what else I can learn.

  • Carlon Haas
    Hi Meagan,

    Glad you enjoyed our panel. Thanks for the nice words.

  • Jen Blackert
    Wow. Thanks for covering our panel!

    You covered it very well! Thanks.

  • Steve Harper
    Thanks for the summary of our talk yesterday. This is truly cool to be searching for something else on my work and to find something that I just participated in yesterday. Oh the power of the Internet! Totally Cool!

    Hope you enjoyed the presentation and would love to hear any and all feedback if you care to email me.

    Ripple On!

    Steve Harper
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