Mass Exodus Youngstown: Stats
In case you’d like to be presented with Just The Basics, here’s a simpler version of my last post:
Moving to Austin, TX: Marty and myself.
Tentative Launch: Mid-Marchish. His mom’s wedding is on the 18th, so if this particular plan falls into place, we’ll leave a day or two before that.
Moving Method: Car full of stuff.
Likelihood of Success: No clue. We’re gonna pretend we know what we’re doing, and if all goes well we’ll actually leave when we plan to.
Prognosis For Future In Youngstown: Not so great.
Prognosis For Future In Austin: Fairly excellent, theoretically.
Feelings On You (Yes, You!) Moving There Too: The more the merrier! Haul on down!
Reminder For Folks Who Think Texas Is Nuthin’ But A Big Ol’ Red State: Austin = Hippie Liberal Central. Safe’s a box o’ puppies!
Random Goofy Omen: Youngstown is at the END of the alphabet. Austin is at the BEGINNING. Yeeees?
Howzzat? Zat good?