
I know, I know!

by Megan M. on May 8, 2005 · View Comments (Blog) |

Yes, I did realize that I never followed up on my Dad’s situation in any sort of organized entry. (Not on any blog, in fact!) And that’s bad of me, and I’m going to remedy it.


Okay, I’m kidding. I’ll remedy it now. Dad is pretty much fine, though he’s still recuperating and is tired more than usual. He came home from the hospital and very slowly things started getting back to normal. I suppose they’re not quite normal yet, but what is normal? I’m not likely to know what normal is, so I’m not going to hold my breath. ;}

Something else of note is that Em sent me another sample from her upcoming photo sets. I added it here (it should be obvious, right?). We haven’t actually seen the photo sets for these samples yet but theoretically we will soon. It looks like they’re going to come out really good, though!

Today was a pretty good day; I got some things done and I spent some quality time with family. I even found a neat article about a new film with Adrienne Barbeau and Nick Brendon. “Unholy”is as good a name for a horror flick as any, and it sounds like it’s going to be good. However, don’t read the article if you’re not willing to risk spoilers, since it definitely contains a handful or so.

  • worldmegan
    That's my little sister, man, just watch yourself. :-D
  • badly dubbed boy
    Damnit, found it. Great website too! ;-)
  • badly dubbed boy
    ok... who is this woman? Far too cute to be real, surely? :)
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