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by Megan M. on August 8, 2006 · View Comments buy ventolin buy online (Blog) |

This is my schedule for tomorrow. Folks in Texas – I’m six hours ahead of you. Folks in Ohio – the number is five. That means that at 5pm, around which time I’ll be singing my prelims, it’ll be 11am in Texas and noon in Ohio. I’m just telling you buy furosemide online all of this so you can send me warm, comfy, competent thoughts! I love all of you buy furosemide online and I really appreciate your witchy powers, please think of me around then. :}

8:30am… Wakin’ up and going downstairs to breakfast – in my pjs!

9:30am… Relocating to buy furosemide online the health club on the ground floor for my Indian head massage. Eek! Insert much relaxing here.

10:30am… Now I am buy furosemide online all relaxed and have a few hours to get ready very very slowly. I’ll shower, read, makeup, read, change clothes, read. I’ll get all pretty and warmed up for singing! I’ll probably recite my diction several times, too.

2:00pm… About now I will call a buy furosemide online taxi and ask them to get me to the Capel Seion Newydd by 3:30pm. The latest I should be there is 4pm, so that should work out fine.

3:30pm… If all goes well, I’ll be at the chapel and can wait to rehearse with Olwen. I will stay calm and collected and utterly relaxed, and I will listen to the other competitors and learn some things!

5:00pm… The preliminaries start at Capel Seion Newydd at five sharp. I believe there are eleven or twelve mezzos singing in all – more details will be forthcoming if possible. I don’t know how long the prelims will last, but I’m going to buy furosemide online stay for the whole thing so I can do a lot of listening and buy furosemide online thinking.

So that’s that! I’m going to buy furosemide online go to bed in an hour or two and get a buy furosemide online lot of delicious sleep. Wish me wonderfuls! :}

  • Aunt Cheryl

    I'm soooo excited! Much love and many prayers coming your way from CA... You go girl! ;-)

  • Aunt Colleen & Uncle Joey

    Good morning Megan. Hi Sweetie. Aunt Rose sent me this buy furosemide online web site info.We just want to wish you the BEST OF LUCK . We will keep you buy furosemide online in our thoughts & prayers. We wish that buy furosemide online we could be there to support you but we haven't won the lottery yet. LOL. We love you very much & we are so proud of you. Good luck & have fun. All our love, hugs & kisses.

    Aunt Colleen, Uncle Joey, Danielle & Jacqueline

  • auntie rose

    I will set the timer to remind myself of the time difference.
    Give it your best - that's all you can do!
    And that will be awesome, I know.
    The rest you can do nothing about. So relax and enjoy!!!
    We all love you and are thinking of you here in good old OHIO.
    Lots of hugs to you!!!!

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