
From the monthly archives:

October 2006

Movie Lust

by Megan M. on October 30, 2006 (Blog) |

It’s really important to me to see Shortbus, Snakes on a Plane, and The Peaceful Warrior sometime soon. I’m not sure if the second two are either out in theatres still or already available on DVD, but I know Shortbus is playing at the Dobie. If you also have a movie lust for any of [...]

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Whole Foods, et al.

by Megan M. on October 30, 2006 (Blog) |

Had a really nice late lunch with Marty and Markus at Whole Foods Market downtown. Our adventures are Flickr documented here – or you can just start at the first picture and read my riveting commentary by clicking here. We had fun. Marty massacred a cupcake for us to eat. It was good. I’m feeling [...]

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Important Work-Safe Sidenote

by Megan M. on October 30, 2006 (Blog) |

In the words of James: Bwahahahahahahaha!

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by Megan M. on October 30, 2006 (Blog) |

dklegman: something ram something the buddies something. worldmegan: the buddies? :P dklegman: y’know, I have buddies that I’ll go do things and stuff with. dklegman: they’re like IM contacts, but you meet them in real space worldmegan: RIGHT! REAL PEOPLE! worldmegan: i got it i got it!!

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Beliefs and Limitations

by Megan M. on October 29, 2006 (Blog) |

“…Because you are making the ultimate tragic mistake. You believe that your perceptions are a description of what reality actually is. “There is a way out of that. The way out of that is to not believe what you’re doing. That way you can do things that don’t fit with ‘yourself,’ ‘your world,’ etc… “…If [...]

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Marianne Reminded Me.

by Megan M. on October 26, 2006 (Blog) |

Oh, yeah! Also. Go vote for Pumpkin No. 7, that’s Marty’s. I love you all SOOOO much. :}

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Monster House

by Megan M. on October 26, 2006 (Blog) |

For awhile in the beginning, we kept commenting on Monster House’s… Silent Hill-ness. It was seriously creepy in places, scary despite being animated and appealing to the under-fifteen crowd. Silent Hill Jr., we called it. What we found out, however, was that Monster House is one of those movies. You know, the movies that are [...]

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