
From the monthly archives:

October 2008

Happy Halloween!

by Megan M. on October 31, 2008 · View Comments (Blog) |

…said the Unicorn in the Balloon Factory!

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Beards for Kiva!

by Megan M. on October 31, 2008 · View Comments (Blog) |

I love Kiva! They’re a fantastic initiative with a world-changing mission. Come support them (and play with us)!

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Paul Durban’s Bolofeesh

by Megan M. on October 31, 2008 · View Comments (Blog) |

Bolofeesh makes me super happy, and Paul is an awesome dude. (He’s also a fellow Triiibesman!) Also? I can’t help but link to his Halloween comic(s), it being Halloween and all. ;} [Edit: Nope, you’re not crazy—this did post yesterday. I had some weird impulse that there were thirty days in October… Ha! So, sorry [...]


Seth’s Tribes Presentation in New York

by Megan M. on October 30, 2008 · View Comments (Blog) |

Your mission, gentle readers, should you choose to accept it… Over the weekend, Marty and I watched Seth Godin’s Tribes presentation, given this month in New York. An enthusiastic pack of Triiibes members traveled to attend, and many of them took audio and video of the event. It was no surprise that after the fact [...]


Learning Leadership (addendum)

by Megan M. on October 29, 2008 · View Comments (Blog) |

The other urge I’m experiencing… is the urge to wait for someone to tell me what to do. RESIST! RESIST!!


Learning Leadership

by Megan M. on October 29, 2008 · View Comments (Blog) |

In the last few weeks I found myself accidentally managing a hyooooge project. Oops! How’d that happen? I was putting in the requisite effort and was pleased to serve any role I seemed to fit. But that morphed somehow, and now I’ve found myself making a lot of decisions I’m not used to making. I’m [...]


Red Velvet Rope

by Megan M. on October 28, 2008 · View Comments (Blog) |

Yesterday the inimitable Trish Lambert did a show on BlogTalkRadio about the Book Yourself Solid “Red Velvet Rope” policy, which illustrates the utter importance of focusing on the clients that give you the most possible happiness to work with. I thought the show would be an hour long (wishful thinking!) but it turns out that [...]

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