by Megan M. on November 17, 2008 · Comments(Blog) |
This is the first project I can remember for which I didn’t particularly care about receiving credit. It resonated with me, needed to be done, and I stepped up to do whatever I could be useful doing. It felt really good to work this way. As a consequence of that, I didn’t add a lot of actual writing to the book—organizing, proofing, little pieces of much longer answers, that’s all. I don’t mind that a bit, because it’s really fulfilling to work on a project like this one that speaks powerfully to me.
But I have to admit, it gives me a lot of glee to see someone I don’t know quoting one teeny tiny piece of text that I know I wrote.
Care. Your tribe knows if you care about them—if you care about what happens to them, what inspires them, what affects them, what improves their lives, and what brings them joy. Likewise, your tribe knows if you do not care—they can smell a fake a mile away and if it is not apparent now, it will be soon. It makes all the difference in the world between a tribe stuck together with paper and string and a tribe whose members are strongly, organically connected to their leader and to one another.
So I’m just going to take a second and be proud of me.
Yeah. Dude. That feels awesome.
Second over. Back to work! ;}
[Edit: It happened AGAIN! Same kooky thing, different clip.
Selling goods (such as concert tickets, albums, or T-shirts) is NOT what makes you a living. Connecting people and giving them a place in the world IS. There is a huge difference between focusing on one and focusing on the other. Making a living—making money—is only a pleasant side effect of doing this right. But it is a side effect that happens all the time.
Okay, so I took TWO seconds. I’m sure this is happening to everyone else, I just recognize my own clips. It’s still freaky and awesome!]
You deserve to feel some warm fuzzies. I watched from the sideline (start to finish). You did a great job leading the Triibes project. Not only did you lead the project - you led it through a process that was designed on the fly. Not an easy thing to do. ;)
Hat's off to you for leading a project that created a GREAT ebook!
Megan M.
Thanks, man. It means a lot to me that so many people feel so good about it! I have definitely got the warm fuzzies. :}