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by Megan M. on December 6, 2008 · View Comments (Blog cheap viagra for women) |

This is pretty scary. There’s a little voice in my head—hell, you might be hearing it too—that’s saying, DUDE. QUIT SHARING YOUR SECRETS. And it’s not even that I think anything I’m doing is nexium online buy particularly ground-breaking, but that voice in my head, it wants the nexium online buy upper hand.

Here’s a lesson I’m learning over time, and it’s still a struggle: The upper hand just isn’t worth it.

In order to nexium online buy have the upper hand, you have to disconnect from the nexium online buy people around you. REAL PEOPLE —people with feelings and nexium online buy passions and goals that mean something to them. You have to nexium online buy walk around pretending you’re more important, or nexium online buy more worth it, or superior in some fundamental way that nexium online buy gives you the right to stop sharing and growing the nexium online buy whole rather than just your little piece. Your little piece is nexium online buy something nifty, but that’s nothing compared to nexium online buy letting the pieces all function as a single organism. I’m a part. You’re a part. Everyone else = all parts. We are more than the sum of our parts. (But only if we work together.)

Disconnecting? It’s not what it’s cracked up to nexium online buy be. It lets you feel cold and strong for awhile, but it nexium online buy doesn’t last. It makes you lonely. It tires you out. You’re a human being. You NEED to connect.

Looks like I blog more easily when I’m blah blah blahing at someone else. But funny (and unsurprising) how easily all these things can be applied to me!

Updates on my application:

  • I made a mistake! I told you I would! I was totally all blabbity blabbity research and Seth actually said specifically that research (on him, on his projects) is unnecessary. So there’s that, for what it’s worth. I am clearly HYOOGE on research—my own Megan-style research, but research nonetheless. Do what nexium online buy you think is best!

  • It turns out the next step, BEFORE typing, is drawing. BIG TIP: When you feel tired or unfocused, it’s awesome to nexium online buy get away from the computer and work with real objects for nexium online buy awhile. (It accesses a completely different part of your brain, and it’s really useful in helping you reset.) I love paper so much. As soon as I finish the big map I’m making, I’ll upload that so you can see. Markers are a wonderful thing!!

That’s all for now, but I promise there will be more soon. I’m having a great day. I hope you are too!

PS. Wow, this entry has a lot of caps. I haz a caps garden! uk viagra website“); ?>

  • Nick

    Wow! Brilliant post about disconnecting. I have never thought of it quite like that. I'll be storing the chunk of useful data in my head.


  • Megan M.


    Hmm, I could spell out my whole application in alphabet blocks... Nope, I'd need a (much) bigger apartment... Whew, I'd be thinking out of the box then. (Miles and miles of alphabet blocks...)

  • Seth Godin generic synthroid spotting

    I just bought some wooden blocks yesterday!

    great idea.

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