I was making a video where I explained how I’d just taken a very nice nap and had driven two hours from Austin to College Station and how we’d left two hours late and I was pretty freaking tired when we got here but I had some food and juice and slept and felt better [...]
Tagged as: aggiecon, censorship, hotel, juice, nudity, solutions
I feel insanely passionate about making people understand their options—their talents, their strengths, their innate holy-cow-ness—but I mostly think in terms of people who are living the same kind of life I am. People who have a place to live, family and friends, emotional support, access to (sometimes very) basic health information and services, transportation, [...]
Tagged as: Acumen Fund, Jacqueline Novogratz, potential, poverty, purpose, The Blue Sweater
You’re about to witness a late night rant. Let’s see how coherent it turns out, shall we? I’ve actually been going about this all the wrong way. I’ve been putting off important parts of my life “until I have more money,” but I’ve been discounting the very mechanism that continues to bring me money, month [...]
Tagged as: budget, courage, desperation, determination, money, need
Bob Poole asked me about my take on America’s educational system and in my attempt to provide him with a coherent response, I blew a gasket. It popped out of my left ear. I have no idea how to put it back. Where the hell does it even go? (I don’t think I have enough [...]
Tagged as: Bob Poole, children, conformity, courage, education, frustration, Sir Ken Robinson
Embarrassment. Fear. Dread. Uh oh. What will happen if they find out? You know, I used to feel this way all the time. I used to feel this way about every little thing under the sun. And you know what? I still feel this way a lot. But now I remember what it is, and [...]
Tagged as: confrontation, courage, fear, growth, sexuality
All right. I have to try and qualify exactly why this href=”http://www.flickr.com/photos/worldmegan/3370672311/”>http://www.flickr.com/photos/worldmegan/3370672311/ was so funny. (I am not going to even suggest that it’s NSFW, because that would make this whole situation just that much funnier.) First of all, you should know that I think sex is awesome. I think sexuality is a wonderful thing [...]
Tagged as: art, ASCII, enlightenment, genitalia, minimalist, offensive, pornography, sexuality, spam
They tell you this when you get started, but most of the time it doesn’t sink in until later. It’s very exciting to strike out on your own—to do the thing that can’t be done, or to be one brave person in a sea of sheep. It’s incredibly empowering. There isn’t any feeling like it [...]
Tagged as: courage, fear, loneliness, responsibility