
That Idea Blueprint Girl

by Megan M. on July 10, 2009 (Blog) |

Brooke Thomas sent me a note not long ago letting me know that she was organizing a graduation gift to commemorate the end of Seth Godin’s Alternative MBA program: For Seth, from the almost-Alternative-MBAs. That is, those of us who submitted an application but didn’t make it into the program!

This was a bizarre coincidence, because I had noticed previously that the Big Thing I was getting ready to launch happened to coincide with the end of the program, and I was forced to reflect on the last six months of my life—six months I might have spent working on projects in New York, but six months that, at the same time, I had done really great things with anyway. Successes I was proud of. Projects I wouldn’t have traded for anything.

As it happens, I’d been putting off this launch for about a week already. Ah, psychology. It’s never quite there, you know? But really, it was already done. Brooke’s note meant I couldn’t put it off any longer.

Also as it happens—today is Seth’s birthday. I can’t think of a better day to make my first official launch post and kick everything off. Thanks to Seth Godin for all his nudges, inspiration, and awesomeness. I wish you a very, very happy birthday.

So that’s it, right? Time to show you the good stuff!

If you want to know all about my project, you can read the Squidoo lens I put together: Idea Blueprint Girl: The (Home Study) Alternative MBA of Megan M.

Or you can go straight to That Idea Blueprint Girl, and start browsing.

Things are about to get pretty interesting around here. ;}

  • Matt W.
    Congratulations! Good luck!
  • Paul
    Sheer awesomeness. Fantabulous! Love the new site :)
  • Nick
  • Vixen
    AAAH that is freaking awesome!! Wow! Congratulations!! I'm so excited for you!!
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