

Bubble Tea

Filed under: — worldmegan @ 3:02 pm

Ah ha, he thinks I forgot. No, Matt, bubble tea gets its own post. How about that?

This, ladies and gentlemen, is bubble tea. (Marty apparently already knew what it was. Am I the only person previously unintroduced to bubble tea? Have I been living under a rock, or what?)

While at Easton (...Or perhaps Polaris is not part of Easton?), Matt was kind enough to show me the wonders of bubble tea. I had a pineapple green tea with black tapioca pearls. Man, those tapiocas are something. I have always been a fan of tapioca pudding (at least, the vanilla or rum variations my mother makes), but this was pretty different. I suspect I’m hooked, though, and this is a bad thing because I don’t know of any Youngstown bubble tea installations. Ideas, anyone? (Don’t tell me to move to Columbus, either!)

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