


Filed under: — worldmegan @ 3:45 pm

WordPress 1.5 Strayhorn has been released! I’m going to mop the drool off my keyboard and go build a test site. I’ll keep you updated!

New News: Ta da, all done! Now to play!!


  1. Why are people so into Wordpress? Movable Type seems to do the job nicely… :)

    Comment by badly dubbed boy — 2/18/2005 @ 5:40 am

  2. Biased. :P I always found WordPress a lot more flexible for the time I spent working on it. However, I am having some real fun getting all my haxies on this blog to work properly with 1.5. Heh

    Comment by worldmegan — 2/18/2005 @ 10:27 am

  3. For the simple minded savage who know nothing of your Magic Strayhorn program. What is it?

    Comment by James — 2/18/2005 @ 12:35 pm

  4. It’s the newest version of WordPress, which is the blogware I use here. It’s delicious. :}

    Comment by worldmegan — 2/18/2005 @ 2:42 pm

  5. I didn’t know you can eat Blogs, are they filling and are they cheaper than meat?

    Comment by James — 2/18/2005 @ 5:36 pm

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