

LiveJournal Friendly

Filed under: — worldmegan @ 6:00 am

Since I have a feeling there are more people reading these posts via a LiveJournal friends page than in traditional RSS readers, I’ve tried to make a few LJ-friendly changes. Both of them are in order to avoid bonkering your friends page when I 1. post a long entry or 2. funnel a ton of pictures into Flickr. At this point, posts from here will show (ostensibly) as summaries instead of full posts, and only certain Flickr photos will get through to the feed. I hope this works – let me know if there’s anything I missed that might make life easier.

I admit I also decided to use summaries so that when people post comments, they’d post them here, where I’m notified of their existance, instead of as LJ comments to worldmegannet @ LJ… since I have no way of knowing when a comment shows up there. Silly LJ. They should let me claim the feed. Well, maybe the whole Six Apart thing will pay off and that’ll happen someday.

Das all I got!

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