
Your Pick: Poo or Persimmons (Part One)

by Megan M. on March 6, 2009 (Blog) |

Your customers care whether you get it right.

They may not think they do. They may not think about it consciously at all! But when you get it wrong, they notice. And they know, instantaneously, whether their money was well-spent.

It’s that moment when you can keep them or drive them away. A well-handled customer service situation can mean the difference between parting on negative terms—where the customer leaves with a bad taste in his mouth, or an unpleasant feeling (poo)—and parting on positive terms, which can rejuvenate even a previously stale or uncomfortable business relationship. Please be very aware of the words I’m using. Your customer is directly associating these feelings with you and your company.

Do you want to be the bad taste, the unpleasant feeling?

Or do you want to be the sense of relief, safety, and good will (that is—the delicious gooey persimmons)?

You get to pick.

But you have to pay attention.




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