
Global Megan RSS (A Message From Management)

by Megan M. on August 12, 2009 · Comments (Blog) |

This is an, ah, administrative announcement. ;}

I’ve hooked up this blog’s RSS feed with the RSS of That Idea Blueprint Girl so that everything flows through one inter-tube. The RSS chicklets on both sites have been updated to use that tube, hereby dubbed the Global Megan Feed. I’m not integrating the two sites (yet… ever?) but connecting the RSS feeds makes the most sense from every standpoint I’ve examined thus far.

In all likelihood the individual feeds will continue to exist in my FeedBurner account—but just in case, you might want to subscribe to the Global Megan Feed or its email counterpart to avoid confusion later on. (You’re probably perfectly safe staying subscribed to either individual feed as long as you like. If that’s what you want to do, would you ? Knowing that folks specifically want these delivered separately will give me a good reason to make sure those feeds stick around, and certainly inform my RSS decisions henceforth.)

With a single posts feed, it will be a lot easier to track my complex dance of creation across the web. There’s a Global Megan Comments Feed, too, in case you’re interested.

Ah, administrative experimentation. I promise there is cheese at the end of this glorious maze.

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