I’ve been using Lumosity games to exercise my brain this week. Has anyone else taken a look at this? I love it so far! It feels incredibly useful to my work day. All the testimonials that talk about increased focus and productivity are right on the money, as far as I’m concerned.
From the information they provide on the site:
The Lumosity brain fitness program is the result of synthesizing and building upon the cumulative work of neuroscience, psychology and cognitive science researchers worldwide. Their research forms the basis for creating the most effective exercises in each cognitive domain:Memory
Memory exercises target the types of memory that are important in everyday life such as working memory, spatial memory, and remembering names and faces.Attention
Concentrating on relevant information while ignoring irrelevant information is improved by exercising visual attention, selective attention, and shifting focus.Processing Speed
Quickly perceiving, interpreting, and responding to new information underlies proficiency in many areas.Cognitive Control
Control of other cognitive processes is necessary for thinking and acting according to internal goals.
And if you’re curious… here are my scores so far:
Speed Match (Processing Speed) 2760
Raindrops (Processing Speed) 487 – basic math! curses!
Birdwatching (Attention) 4504 – improving
Spatial Speed Match (Processing Speed) 2750 – improving
I haven’t quite figured out what it all means yet. The difference in my brain functioning is so obvious I don’t really care just yet. I hope they continue to develop, and I’m not even half-way through what they’ve got now!