
CrossFit Bits & Pieces

by Megan M. on October 13, 2009 (Blog) |

I found this video at the CrossFit Central Women blog, and thought it would be awesome to show you the place I go many mornings and the sorts of things I do. My workouts are nothing like the one Chris does in this video (mine are scaled way down and take me much longer to finish!) but it’ll still give you a rough idea.

Chris, by the way, runs the CrossFit workout I have on Wednesday mornings. His classes are awesome. “Christine” is the name of the workout he’s doing. Check out the look on his face when he’s almost finished and has to (maybe!) convince himself to keep pushing.“>” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowscriptaccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”true” width=”540” height=”330”>

The way he seems to have his shit together is something that’s going to stick in my mind the next time I’m almost done with a workout. For some reason, that really resonates with me.

Right now, I’m at CrossFit Central three days a week, Tuesday through Thursday. My Mondays and Fridays got interesting, so I dropped back from the five days a week just for a month or two. I’m still getting a HELL of a workout. And I’m sure gonna miss these while I’m in Vegas!

It continually amazes me that I’m still actually doing it, loving it this much, considering everything going on in my life and various experiments (especially food experiments) that make CrossFit particularly challenging. A few years ago, I doubt I would have stuck with it. Exercise was important to me, but it was still way at the bottom of my list—and something as hardcore as CrossFit would have fallen off the bottom fast. It’s a real pleasure to know these people. I can’t wait to go back to having classes every weekday. Dude.

Can you really believe that something this badass has made such a positive impression on me? That thinking about it makes little happy hearts and rainbows fly around my head? Stars. Lights. We’re talking tinsel, people.

Human beings are complicated and wonderful.

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