
And now for your Daily Juice…

by Megan M. on February 7, 2009 (Blog) |

Daily Juice ScreencapYesterday I discovered Daily Juice, a raw juice bar down south mentioned by friends and, apparently, a raw cafe in a different location further north! I made a split decision while out on errands to mosey down to Barton Springs, because I knew that this would probably be my only break of the day—and I wanted it to count. I wanted to be out in the sun and do something interesting!

Here’s a video advertisement they have up, though I’m not sure how recent it is. (I have it on good authority that their website is not up to date—nor does it look it—but the location, building and decor are still the same.)

My visit was delicious.

I am not ashamed to say that I walked out of there loaded with fresh juice and giggling like a maniac. And as hopped up on nutrients as I was when I got back to work yesterday, I still had amazing juices left over for this morning.

If you think you’re going out to eat with me, or for drinks, sometime soon, there’s a damn good chance we’re going to a Daily Juice… ;}


{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

1 CoCreatr 02.09.09 at 5:26 am

Ha, when I scanned across the titles of your recent blog postings, I read this as

And now for your Daily Justice…

They will serve you right.

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