
Planting Seeds

by Megan M. on October 3, 2007 (Blog) |

This makes me bubbly and excited. It is still very new, but take a look, say what’s on your mind. This is what we’ve been talking about for ages now, developing in our minds, all in separate particular ways, learning, growing, coming to really interesting conclusions, wanting to know more. The site is called Connection Paradigm, and it’s an incredible idea:

Businesses care about their customers and want to help them. Farmers grow food in harmony with the surrounding ecosystem. Governments seek to serve their people. Lovers love their mates. Marketers seek permission to offer their products to those who might be helped by them. Workers seek to support their co-workers. Parents nurture their children. These words are connection words. The connection paradigm is an alternative to the control paradigm.


[Edit: I’ve updated the links, since Pace and Kyeli are now blogging about the Connection Paradigm at The post I referenced is still there.]


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