
Tiny Midnight Visitors

by Megan M. on August 2, 2008 (Projects) |

My first night in Dallas was a little weird, but the whole trip so far has been awesome. The seminar room is reminiscent of my office – positive vibes, bright colors, things hanging on the walls. It’s not as dense as my office is, but the crowded, creative energy is very similar. Millicent St. Claire is charming, fun to watch, and good at what she does. Except for minor hotel room weirdness, I feel quite relaxed and pleased with myself. Maybe I should plan to venture out more often!

The minor weirdness was… weird. I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night and there were three or four little teardrop-shaped bugs, of the same family but varying sizes, crawling around on the doorjamb. I was half asleep and annoyed that there were bugs in my room (not one, but three or four) and I stared at them stupidly for awhile, formulating (unsuccessfully) a course of action. Eventually I went back to bed and hoped that there wasn’t anything on my side of the room that they wanted, or maybe the air conditioner would keep them at bay.

I slept well once I got to sleep, but wondering how many more there might be kept me half-awake in bed for a few hours. I didn’t want to call the desk about it just then, because I needed as much sleep as I could get before 6. Who are you, bugs? What do you want? Should I ask for another room?

Of course, this morning when I got up there was no trace of them, which leaves me wondering if I’m experiencing some trademark Morris cognitive laxity. I’m preeeeetty sure I wasn’t hallucinating. They may have come for the water on the floor, left from my shower – so this morning I was fastidious about drying off standing in the tub. Who knows if that will deter them, but the seminar ends at 7 tonight instead of 9, so if I see more there will be a few hours to discuss it with the front desk before collapsing into bed.

As for now, I feel mostly rested and excited (if not entirely awake). If I see caffeinated tea, I will avail myself of it. I’ll snack on rice chips and blueberries throughout the day, and have my sprouts for dinner. Sprouts!! I adore sprouts. I think I’ll be fine. ;}

The seminar doesn’t begin for another hour and a half, but the instructor mentioned software that sounded like a biorhythms game, and said that she’d be in the room at 7:30 this morning. I am an early bird, so I’m going to scout that out. It sounds like fun!

These people are all about positive vibrations, realizing your power and potential, expressing and creating yourself in the world.

I have to say I rather like them so far.



1 Kyeli 08.02.08 at 10:32 am

I don’t think you’re crazy. I know what kind of bug you’re talking about; they’re tiny harmless beetles, quite prevalent in Dallas.

Where are you? The website said the hotel is in Addison – I lived in Addison for a couple of years when Dru was a baby. (:

2 Megan M. 08.04.08 at 10:15 am

Ha, awesome! The hotel was in Addison on Arapaho, right in the middle of a ton of neat restaurants and pretty streets with trees and what looked like apartments above the storefronts. It was beautiful. There was also a huuuge blue pipe sculpture on one of the blocks nearby. I would love to go back there for vacation time, just to get away from my brain, or write, or something – the hotel wasn’t badly priced, either.

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