
You will recreate yourself, and it will be painful.

by Megan M. on October 21, 2008 (Blog) |

Pace has written an incredible, incredible post about transitions—gender transitions, and entrepreneurship transitions. Her story is touching and amazing, and is a mind-blowing perspective on the kind of strength and determination it takes to make a life-altering change. Either of her topics are substantial, to say the very least. Her comparisons—from my point of view—are 100% spot-on, and the parallels are amazing.

Entrepreneurship and gender transition are crash courses in fear-facing. Your issues will come up. Your landmines will be stepped on. Your triggers will be triggered. Each of these disasters is an opportunity for growth. (”Another fucking opportunity for growth”, as my friend Reesa says.) If you can maintain a positive attitude even through the toughest challenges, if each time you fall down you learn a little more about how to get back up, then your self-work will eventually manifest in outward success.

I am grateful to have been reminded of so many overwhelmingly important things. This post really moved me. Please take a few minutes to read it.


{ 1 comment }

1 Pace 10.21.08 at 9:20 am

Thanks, Megan. It makes me very happy that it moved you. I wasn’t sure how meaningful it would be to cisgendered folks, so I’m happy to know that it touched at least one. (:

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