by Megan M. on November 14, 2008 (Blog) |
Oh, and by the way…
My Johnson’s Backyard Garden CSA membership is FREAKING AWESOME! I get tons of these beautiful little vegetables in a box every week, and a half dozen of good happy grass-fed eggs for Marty, and I transfer it all into my pretty rainbow bin and bring it home and then we EAT [...]
Tagged as: food, greenling, healthiness, johnson's backyard garden, mario, produce, vegetables
by Megan M. on November 13, 2008 (Blog) |
I’ve been meaning to make a post all week about how I’ve been loathe to join new social networks because I feel repelled by the constant self-promotion that goes on in them. I’m thinking of getting rid of my MySpace account (and don’t act surprised, either), and maybe a few others. I didn’t have a [...]
Tagged as: self-promotion, Seth Godin, social networking, swimbert, tribes, triiibes, trish lambert
by Megan M. on November 12, 2008 (Blog) |
“I propose a toast to Lewis and his brilliant failure:
May it lead to success in the future!”
Marty and I watched Meet the Robinsons the other night. What a freaking fantastic movie! It was mostly just your usual vastly entertaining kids’ flick, but there are a couple of particular exceptions I would like to clearly note:
“Keep [...]
Tagged as: disney, failure, meet the robinsons, movies, success
by Megan M. on November 11, 2008 (Blog) |
“The networking that matters is helping people achieve their goals, doing it reliably and repeatedly so that over time people have an interest in helping you acheive YOUR goals, because they have a stake in it. [...] You’re not doing it for the punchline, you’re doing it because the ACT of doing it is beneficial.”~ [...]
Tagged as: helping, networking, Seth Godin, tribes
by Megan M. on November 9, 2008 (Blog) |
Over the past few years I’ve made a lot of dramatic changes in the way I eat. I nixed corn syrup, then wheat, then sugar, then meat, then dairy. I eat almost none of that now, with very few (and very particular) exceptions. At first, as you might imagine, it put a cramp on my [...]
Tagged as: business, casa de luz, choices, food, healthiness, meetings, steve pavlina
by Megan M. on November 8, 2008 (Blog) |
Before discovering Naomi Dunford at IttyBiz, I didn’t know of any really good resources for teeny tiny businesses—you know, the ones you start out of your living room. I knew there was information out there (and I had slogged through a lot of it, building Virtual Magpie) but it was a rough path to take [...]
Tagged as: business, ittybiz, naomi dunford, online business school
by Megan M. on November 7, 2008 (Blog) |
I’ve been thinking a lot about Tuesday’s election and the upliftingness of recent events. I’ve had several discussions with various people about what I’m experiencing vis-a-vis politics, of all things, and it’s sometimes overwhelming to think about. Otherwise, I’d have posted this Tuesday night (when I wrote it). In attempting to quantify my very complex [...]
Tagged as: barack obama, belief, change, hope, power